Friday, February 25, 2011

Hart Supported Living Grant

I was talking to a friend of mine about wanting to get a touch screen computer monitor for Maddie.  She has been using one at school for the past several years and it really enhances her computer experience.  She has always been reluctant to use a traditional mouse but uses the touch screen computer with proficiency.  BUT, touch screen monitors are expensive!  She suggested looking into the Hart Supported Living Grant to see if it could be funded.

Here is some information I found on the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services website ...

“The Hart-Supported Living program is for Kentuckians with disabilities to request funds for supports so they can live in their homes and communities and avoid institutionalization.  The law,KRS 210.770 defines it as the following: "Hart-Supported Living Program" means grants which provide a broad category of highly flexible, individualized services which, when combined with natural unpaid or other eligible paid supports, provide the necessary assistance to do the following:
§  Provide the support necessary to enable a person who is disabled to live in a home of the person's choice which is typical of those living arrangements in which persons without disabilities reside;
§  Encourage the individual's integrated participation in the community with persons who are members of the general citizenry;
§  Promote the individual's rights and autonomy;
§  Enhance the individual's skills and competences in living in the community; and
§  Enable the individual's acceptance in the community by promoting home ownership or leasing arrangements in the name of the individual or the individual's family or guardian.

Right now, if Maddie wants to use the computer, one of us has to sit with her to help her navigate.  I can only imagine if she was able to access the computer via touch screen, she would be much more independent with her computer use!  So, I’m going to give it a try.

The application lists some examples of things that could be requested with the one-time grant: adaptive and therapeutic equipment such as communication devices, assistive technology, or a service animal; home modifications including ramps, widening doorways, adaptations to bathrooms; vehicle modifications like lifts, hand controls and carriers for chairs.

The deadline for application is April 1st so if this is something you could use, hop on it!  The link to the PDF application form is located on the website in the right-hand column on the top under the header “Application for Program.”

Good luck!  I’d love to hear if anyone was able to use this resource.

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